*scroll down past this instructional announcements section to access the audio and video resources

>>IMPORTANT: Subscribing ensures you will receive the free weekly show notes.  Live attendance is only accessible via the Skype link.  Please be sure to mute your microphone once you join the call<<

Shalom Fellow Torah Students!

On October 2019, our Short Questions, Short Answers (SQSA) Series came to an end. All 76 eBible.com questions and answers, most with audio and video, can be accessed from my website page here: Short Questions, Short Answers.

The Live Internet Studies (LIS) replaced the outgoing SQSA Series.  Unless I am conducting an ongoing series, each hour and a half-long episode consists of two segments and covers a variety of topics and passages. The ongoing live Internet shows are then turned into info-graphic YouTube videos, longer, complete iTunes podcasts, as well as MP3 audio files on our website.  We will also post links to the available media in the Weekly Messianic Newsletter.

Here are the details and notes for this week's episode:

next EPISODE: 295

next MEETING DATe: March 29, 2024 (usa date)

next MEETING TIME: saturday afternoon, 5 PM TO (APPROX.) 6:30 PM CsT


  • segment one (60 min): eschatology: a biblical study of end-time events ( part 93 )

  • segment two (30 min): a trinitarian response to biblical unitarianism ( PART 90 )

Skype group link is needed to join this study (click blue Skype logo for link).

Important Details:

  • Saturday afternoons from 5 PM to (approx.) 6:30 PM, US Central Time.

  • Taught via Skype conference call, live from my computer to yours!

  • Don't have the Skype app or a Skype account? No problem. Use the group link to join the Skype call as a guest from your browser! If you have a Skype account, use your own credentials, or use your Facebook account.

  • If you're joining from a mobile device, Skype will launch on your mobile. If you don't have Skype installed on your mobile, you'll need to install it before you can join a conversation and click on the conversation link again.

  • Presenter's screen will be shared with participants; headphone or speakers required; some additional browser plugin software might also be required.

  • Exclusive for live show members: A 30-minute Q&A chat session will immediately follow each live lesson! Interact with the teacher and with each other!

  • Enrollment is free but donations are welcome (click HERE to donate).

  • Each segment will be converted to info-graphic YouTube videos. The complete audio teaching will be available from iTunes as well as my websites.

current ongoing live internet studies (media)

Access the full show YouTube videos library by clicking the image on the left.

Access the full show audio podcasts library by clicking the image on the right.

previous LIVE internet studies (audio blog):
exegeting galatians